Technology & Innovation

New products, new technologies. See the future with the eyes of ingenuity.

43 microbooks disponíveis

Clayton M. Christensen

O dilema da inovação

Quando as novas tecnologias levam empresas ao fracasso

Daniel Huttenlocher & Eric Schmidt & Henry Kissinger

The age of AI

And our human future

Neil Dagger

The ChatGPT millionaire

Making money online has never been this EASY

Kevin Behr & George Spattford & Gene Kim

O projeto fênix

um romance sobre TI, DevOps e sobre ajudar seu negócio a vencer

Marco Iansiti & Karim R. Lakhani

Competing in the age of IA

Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World

Mustafa Suleyman & Michael Bhaskar

The Coming Wave

Technology, Power, and the Twenty-First Century's Greatest Dilemma

Kai-Fu Lee & Chen Qiufan

AI 2041

Ten Visions for Our Future

Harvard Business Review

Artificial intelligence

The insights you need from Harvard Business Review

Kai-Fu Lee

AI superpowers

China, Silicon Valley, and the new world order

Luca Massaron & John Paul Mueller

Artificial Intelligence for dummies

Christopher Steiner

Automate this

How algorithms took over our markets, our jobs and the world

Max Tegmark

Life 3.0

Being human in the age of artificial intelligence

Tom Taulli

Artificial Intelligence basics

A non-technical introduction